Having said that, it's not all rest and relaxation. At Christmas time, the men of the church prepare, cook and host a traditional roast dinner for the ladies. Turkey and Tinsel is always a very popular event, so book early to avoid disappointment, ladies!
We run a number of events and activities for the men of the church. Each of these is a chance to spend time with old friends, and hopefully make some new ones. Whether it's a game of football, a curry night, a cooked breakfast or a weekend away — we keep things chilled and always have a great time of fellowship together.

Every Thursday between 7:00 and 8:00am is Share/Prayer@7. This is an opportunity for men to fellowship, share and pray for each other. Tea, coffee and croissants are provided, and you are welcome to come for 5 minutes or and hour. More details in the What's On section.
For further details on any of our men's activities, or if you have any ideas of your own, please contact Jeff Selby (01435 862361/07774 758007).