We are blessed to have a large pool of singers, musicians and technicians involved in this vital ministry.
We sing a mixture of contemporary songs and classic hymns, with instrumentation including guitar, bass, piano and drums.
Worship is an essential part of our walk with God, and as such it plays a big part in the Welcome experience.

Psalm 33:3
Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy.
We want to be joyful in our worship, but we also seek to be skillful; to develop our talents and abilities so that we can give our very best to God.
The words of Psalm 33 have become a guiding principle for us at Welcome.

1 O Praise The Name (Anastasis)
2 This Is Amazing Grace
3 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
4 Amazing Grace ( My Chains Are Gone)
5 Goodness Of God
MOST PLAYED 2021/2022
6 Build My Life
7 Holy Overshadowing
8 To You O Lord
9 What A Beautiful Name
10 Great Big God
1 How Great Is Our God
2 I Give You My Heart
3 What A Beautiful Name
4 Living Hope
5 How Great Thou Art
6 Psalm 23
7 Amazing Grace ( My Chains Are Gone)
8 O Praise The Name (Anastasis)
9 In Christ Alone
10 Open The Eyes Of My Heart